Category Archives: Rekodenz

The Royal Family of All Rekodenz

Presented for future reference.

The royal family are based in the southern part of Xotopane and claim to be exclusively of the Yamarro ethnic group. Those marrying non-Yamarros can be kicked out to this day, despite there being much evidence to suggest the halfblood-appearing Yamarros have as much human blood as the mixed people from north Xotopane and other major urban areas on the microcontinent. The family’s aversion to non-Yamarro elements is such that Emperor Parent Taiti’s great-great nuntie was expelled from the family for naming ses child Ixwe.

The Emperor’s role is mainly ceremonial, conferring titles of honour upon people and signing propositions passed by the Diet into law.

Here is the immediate royal family:

Emperor Parent Taiti, widow of Emperor Shakoh’s other parent Emperor Tika

Emperor Shakoh

Emperor Omi


Princus Mitika (second in line)

Princus Meshamo (third in line)

I shall edit this with spouses and issue of issue and other information as I continue working on it.

The First Xotopanian War

The First Xotopanian War took place in 70AC after the League of Rekodenz took over the Diet (then serving only the emerging village of Xotopane) in a bloody coup.

The League was a radical organisation protesting “human occupation” and what they believed to be the genocide of full-blooded Rekodenzians through assimilation. This was despite efforts from both human and Rekodenzian camps to maintain the indigenous culture and to make sure there was no violence between them.

Human, fullblood and halfblood survivors of the Diet massacre led by George Xazaa mobilised those Peacemakers unwilling to fight under the League and battled the League’s Revolutionary Army in what is now (25,000AC) Central City. At this time, it was a small field outside the town borders. However, the fighting spilled out into the town and much of it was destroyed. The League believed themselves to be victorious when they killed Xazaa, but ses second-in-command  Aamare Nelson took over and led the Opposition to a comfortable win.

Despite the Opposition victory and restoration of an open Diet, the League’s legacy remained in several parties purporting to be promoting “indigenous Rekodenzian rights” but instead spreading extremism and bigotry. The most recent and successful of these are the Unification Party, who have managed to acquire the entire Scrublands area through what commentators believe to be fear and threat.


Happy Easter!

Easter, as previously discussed, comes from pagan traditions. This explains why we eat chocolate eggs instead of, say, empty chocolate tombs. So let us discuss the Rekodenzian analogue.

Held on the first day of the fourth month, the Festival of Bread is celebrated around Namupoku Island, including Xotopane. Most agree it was derived from both human and local customs, the latter indicated by the celebrations conforming largely to local norms. It is known as Ɍaa’o aɃaa in the Southern Scrublands language, and in many parts of the Scrublands a meal consisting solely of bread and bread ingredients is eaten.

In Yamarronia, children hunt coloured cakes and offer them to the god Takupu, who is believed to give birth to the sun at the start of every summer (traditional Yamarro thought believes in two seasons, summer and winter). If se does not get ses cakes, there will be no summer, and fundamentalists of the Yamarro religion believe that there is scientific evidence to suggest that the less widely observed the cake-hunting custom is, the duller the summer will be.

Among the human diaspora, the festival has been reappropriated as Breitfest. Loosely based on the Xotopane custom which in turn was influenced by the Southern Scrublands tradition, people eat buns filled with chocolate and sweet paste. Followers of the Abrahamic temple, while not all human, often believe the festival to be connected to the resurrection of the prophet Yezu akaYozefa through bread rising. However, some sects such as the Temple of Pure Abrahamism consider the festival “idol worship” and forbid any of their members from participating.

More Rekodenzian politics (and a real world political announcement)

Now it’s no secret that I’m very into the intricates of worldbuilding, so here I shall elaborate on the Rekodenzian general election process as of 20,345HE.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the general election runs on an FPTP system. This is legally mandated by the Fair Election Act of 20,174. Before this, many different methods were used in different districts, resulting in what the government believed to be inaccuracies.

Every district votes for the member of the party they would like to represent them in the Diet as well as a candidate for Prime Minister. The party affiliation of the two choices may differ, but data indicates that they are largely the same. Districts are usually compromised of precincts, ranging from two to thousands, and a result in the district is only tabulated once all precincts report in.

PS: On a related note, I’d like to take this opportunity to reveal who I am endorsing for President of the United States…


(drumroll please)


Donald Trump.




You really think I’d say that?


I support Bernie Sanders! It’s about time America joined most of the western world in providing basic medical services for free. And it’s high time those Wall Street fat cats got what was coming to them! This Briton feels the Bern and so should you!

A brief look at the political parties of Rekodenz

Recently, I discussed Rekodenzian political extremism. Well, you will be relieved to know that not all parties are like that.

As touched upon, the intraplanetary Diet operates on a FPTP system which has recieved criticism for being too skewed towards Xotopane. The Diet is further divided into two houses- the House of Representatives and the Senate. While there are thousands and thousands of active parties, only around 300 have representation in the Diet with the majority as of 20,345HE being the Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Ƀaame Zammo. The dominant opposition party is currently the New Conservative Party, led by Emaake Kuɾu.

The Prime Minister is generally the leader of the party with the biggest Diet representation, however the Emperor of Rekodenz may intervene in some cases if se finds the leader unacceptable to the planet. In an election year (elections taking place every four years), people must decide who is to lead their chosen party in primaries before the general election towards the end of the year. However, the party may decide to elect another candidate other than the one the people voted for and in very rare cases the Emperor may intervene at this level.

As of 20,345HE, the leading parties are:

Ruling party and major allies (leader)

Liberal Party (Ƀaame Zammo)

Democrat Party (Yome Keziaza)

Lilac Party (full name the Party for Indigenous Rights and Social Justice, Ɍɾaaze Maaɾa)


Opposition party and major allies (leader)

New Conservative Party (Emaake Kuɾu)

Liberty League (Ɍaƀʷe Moɾa)

Patriot Party (Rev. Xaake Ƀeɾaɾʷaa)

Let’s discuss the Rekodenz flag!

As an amateur vexillologist and worldbuilder there are few things i enjoy more than designing flags for my creations. Rekodenz wouldn’t be an exception, would it?

The answer is no.

In a recent post I used a picture of the Rekodenz flag as illustration. This is where I elaborate on the design:


Much of modern (204th century HE) Rekodenzian society was built with full cooperation between the Rekodenzians- represented in lilac, the colour of soil- and humans- represented by the colour of the “Blue Planet” from which they came. The white symbolises peace in many human and Rekodenzian cultures, recognising that this was a cooperation of harmony and that there should be no attempt to drive a wedge between indigenous Rekodenzians and humans as parties such as the UP attempt to do.

I shall update this post regularly with variants, so please check back!


Political discourse the Scrublands Lizard way

Scrublands Lizard was aware of ses reputation as the most hated per on the planet. However, laws against speciesist abuse of ethnic parties were interpreted by most to prevent any open criticism. So on the rare occassion a brave brainchip warrior decided to less-than-praise sem on social media, se was stuck for a reply.

This time, it was a Rekomeet user from the other side of the planet:

“wadr sl are you aware that five million indigenous rekodenzians in the scrublands can no longer practice their cultural traditions in safety with you forcing your ‘pan-rekodenzian’ version on them?”

Scrublands Lizard took one look at the message and replied:

“no i am not aware. why don’t you go back to eating reko doh and soiling yourself instead of asking me those questions”

Oh, the political scene on Rekodenz circa 20,345HE was a gas.

The extremist political parties of Rekodenz


The Planetwide Flag of Rekodenz. Pretty, huh?

I figured I’d best start sharing some Rekodenz with the world at large. And in light of recent events, what better way to start than the planet’s extremist political parties?


As of 20,345HE (human colonial era) there is a planetwide Diet (Ɍii’ara) operating on an FPTP system. It is heavily skewed towards Xotopane, with every electorate in the planet’s capital represented. This is a bone of contention not only because other areas are underrepresented, but also because it enables the rise of Xotopane-based political parties with extremist leanings, the two biggest being the Unification Party and the Human Party.

The Unification Party

The UP, led by an enigmatic obvious halfblood using the pseudo-Anglic alias “Scrublands Lizard”, believes that the well-documented colonisation of the planet was not as peaceful as reported in “human-biased government sources” and that the Government has long supported a programme to breed out full-blooded Rekodenzians (despite eugenics being illegal planetwide). Humans are forbidden from joining, and half-blooded Rekodenzians are allowed provided they renounce their human heritage. Their belief in segregation has led to some attacks on their members and the Government, acting under the Speciesism Act, to allocate most of the Scrublands north of Xotopane as a refuge much to the chagrin of most inhabitants.

The Human Party

The Human Party seeks to combat percieved injustices against the descendents of human colonisers. Sounds innocent enough, but the party, led by Domvall Ɍumafa, bans all people of less than three registered full-blooded human grandparents from joining and like the UP has called for laws against species mixing. The Liberal-led Government has repeatedly denied their application for protection against species discrimination under the ethnic party status under the grounds of their extremism, critics pointing out that the equally extreme UP has been granted not only that status but their own land.]